50 Thoughts That Can Motivate You to Do Anything

Sometimes it’s hard to motivate oneself. We all have bad days. Those mornings when we are faced with tons of stuff to do and not a clue where to start (although, just starting anything is the best decision on those mornings). Those situations when the guy you are talking to is so negative and sends you so many bad things, you think your world is gonna end (hey, you know, his/her day does not need to be yours, just ask what is the source of their grief, be empathetic and move on). Anyhow, for those bad days, and all the other numerous good ones, just keep this list handy. It’s the best 50 self-motivating ideas you can have a look at in the morning, before going to bed or just use in your next meditation.

It’s not about Coué’s method or funky positive thinking mumbo-jumbo. It’s a simple reminder that discipline, hard work and passion are the better engines for success. And as a friend of mine used to say: either you win or you learn. This helps you looking at failure as a great opportunity to learn and make progress!

A while back I wrote 7 simple ways to get motivated on Monday. Those 50 thoughts that can motivate you to do anything are a wonderful add to my post, I encourage you to print them, to get them handy in your OneNote or just to read them every day. Nothing can resist passionate people. Yes, there will bad days, there will be learnings, just stay put and continue believing in yourself whatever the morons tell you. And my experience has taught me that there are many, many morons out there. Just ignore them!

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash



Une réponse à “50 Thoughts That Can Motivate You to Do Anything”

  1. Avatar de Mcok Maud

    Never stop trying is progressing #KamiSama

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