You define your limits and are authorized to push them out

Day 533. The universe has no limit. We tend to think that our own world has its own limits. Of course, your eyes define the limits of what you can see. But the mind defines the limits of what you can imagine. With today’s technology, our own world does not have limits anymore. We have an almost unlimited ways to connect and an almost unlimited connections available.

We can send our information and our products to the other side of the planet, and even the astronaut, Chris Hadfield, has shown that music can even be made in space and broadcasted on our blue planet. The limits are gone! Therefore, you are only limited by the limits you impose to you. Of course, you may say that we are limited by our own resources. True, but there are almost limitless resources out there, it’s a matter of willingness to go, ask for them and use them.

All great successes relied on external resources at one point. If mankind was playing within its limits, it would never have gone to the moon. And then, there are all these vultures and crows out there, complaining about the crisis and the horror it created, about global warming and that we are killing the planet (the planet will survive thank you). Although it’s important to look for ways to do things better, fairer and with more compassion and help, the sky is not the limit anymore. Break the barriers, be bold, give you the authorization to go beyond the limits, nobody else can give it to you but you!


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