Day 543. Below is the mail I sent yesterday to my team to help deliver their best in the last mile of the fiscal year. The title is a quote from Sir Edmund Hillary and the picture from an unknown source, but I found it beautiful. Enjoy!
I woke up this morning with butterflies in the belly. Are we going to make it? The first thought that came to mind was the last 2 kilometers of any marathon I ran. Those two kilometers are hard, your muscles ache, your whole body aches, and your mind asks you to quit. It’s ironic to know that most quitters quit in these last two kilometers, so close to the finish line. But it’s understandable, you have to shut down the little voice inside your brain who asks you to stop, you have to look beyond the finish line, and you have to decide to cross the line.
I leave you with the below picture and quote from Sir Edmund Hillary who first climbed Mount Everest. We are three days away of an extraordinary year! Decision is ours!
Oh, did I mention we are in the making of an extraordinary, extraordinary, extraordinary year for Office 365? Butterflies are flying away!
Thank you and let’s bank a HUGE EXTRAORDINARY year. All cents count!
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