Day 598. Holidays, tick! African kick-off, tick! New job onboarding, tick! First kiteboarding session, tick! Still to be made: put financial accounts in order, refresh the dream board, have a beer in the sun, plan articles for this blog…
Overall, got tons of ideas, stopping all engines makes you think and provides a new perspective on life, love, and the universe. Tons of stuffs happened over the last four weeks and provided me tons of learning, tears and laughs. I had too much Rosé for sure, but hey, it’s the holidays in the « Midi ». Holidays were too short, as all holidays are, but hey, all precious stuffs are scarce. Time flew and when I look back, I only see quality time, so it was a good life spent!
I’m energized, I’m full of ideas, I’m delighted to be back and kicking! I will change again some little things to this blog, but it feels good to type this daily post. Do not expect anything special, do not prepared to be surprised, just do! This will be the theme of the coming weeks, months, and why not years: stop the dreaming, start the doing!
Over to you!
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