Day 503. This is kind of funny, as Monday in many languages (French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, etc.) is the Moon day! The other interesting fact is that even though it’s the first day of the week in many countries, it can be the second in others, due to the fact that in Christian, Jewish and Muslim tradition, Sunday (day of the Sun) is the first day of the week.
Its name and the link to the moon seems to come from the Romans, who named this second day of the week to celebrate the goddess of the Moon. For those whose work week starts on a Monday, this day has acquired a bad reputation. After a two-day break, one needs to back to work. While we should be happy, many are not. But whether happy or not, work has to be done, therefore better doing it with a smile than a frown. It’s Monday, smile like a full moon.
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