Day 507. I had the privilege, almost 4 years ago, to meet Roz Savage in Mauritius after she finished crossing the Indian Ocean… rowing! We were a small group invited to a friend’s house for an afternoon tea and biscuits, to meet and discuss with Roz a couple of days after she landed (from the sea) in Mauritius.
While there, we were blessed to get to know her more, to learn about her story, and her wins and failures rowing on all the oceans of the planet. I remember very well how we discussed face to face about Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, and how it’s not the end that matters but the journey.
The article she posted yesterday, that you’ll find here, clicked with me. You can read it through and it’s full of great advices. I remember when I met Roz I thought she was crazy rowing alone across oceans while at the same time jealous somehow. What stood out was the courage she found to do something that mattered to her, leaving aside what people thought at that time, and she was right. So this post is definitely from someone who lived it and who knows what it is to create the courage to ignore the opinion of others.
If you want to live a meaningful life for you and for those around you, this is a skills that you need to learn and master. As Roz shares: « It’s YOUR life – live it! »
Picture (C) Roz Savage, 2015
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