Weathering the storm
Rule number 1: Switch your TV off! – Third Part

Day 525. So you want to try to go on a TV detox. The main question remains what to replace TV by. Whether you were watching TV one hour or three hours a day, it’s just possible to take this time and transform it in something not only meaningful but helping you to reach your goals, to realize your dreams. Here are 7 ideas to replace your TV time that do not need efforts, just a decision:
- Go to bed and sleep. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention calls sleep deprivation a public health epidemic. It can have horrendous consequences. This article from the Harvard Business Review shows the correlation between sleep deprivation and cheating. So get one hour or more of sleep every night and enjoy the benefits of a good night of sleep.
- Have a drink or a dinner with friends. No need to spend a fortune. This could be just a bring-and-share at your place. You will cultivate friendship and create social bounds. A 2013 study by the London School of Economics found that respondents’ moods improved by more than 8 per cent when they were with friends.
- Write letters or emails to your friends and family. There are so many things you claim never have time to do. Among those are saying our friends and family that you love them and why you love them. Take time to write it, it will make miracles.
- Prepare your next speech for your Toastmasters club. If you belong to any form of nonprofit, like Toastmasters or Rotary, there are tons of things you can do to improve your life or the one of others. On a Toastmaster’s journey, you need to deliver over forty speeches, and this requires some time to prepare. If you invest some time, you can propel your career to new heights.
- Spend some time with your spouse or your kids. Have a chat about your next holidays, the project you want to realize together. Play a game of Risk or chess. Quality time is important for a healthy relationship.
- Read a good book. Maybe you do not like to read or maybe you have not read for a long time. Remember what you liked as a kid and try. Or find a topic that you really like and purchase a book at the local bookstore on that topic. The idea is to rejuvenate something you are passionate about. Passion drives action.
- Make love. If you have a significant other, invest some time to make love, spend time cuddling. Love is the most incredible human feeling and making love is said to be the best activity for health. No cost, huge return!
Those are simple ideas, and I am sure you can come up with hundreds of others. The idea is shifting from being a spectator from being an actor. Nothing good will happen if you stay in your couch watching others having a blast or playing a role. Despite reality show success, people tend to forget that in reality show, there’s the world show. A show is not the real life, it’s fake, it’s just an entertainment. Do not get brainwashed by fake lives, live yours fully!
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