24 days of blogging diet

It has been 24 days I have not published anything on this blog, although traffic has continued, slowly, and steadily. It has been 24 days of holidays, of increased workload, of many personal projects to pursue and of setting up a new machine dedicated to blogging and wrting. This is the new Surface Pro 3 I am now using for starting against blogging. I am now restarting my daily post and will make it evolve in the coming days before leaving to the US mid-July for the company meeting, but we still have slightly over two months.

The least to say is that tons of things have changed in the last 24 days and will change in the next two months or so, but I will not give you any hints of the forthcoming changes, they will come in due time. For the time being, I have set aside some articles I will publish over the coming days and will continue focusing on four topics I am passoniate about: personal excellence, public speaking, technology for growth and positive thinking.

The crisis that started eight years ago, that inspired this blog, has not settled and if some countries seem better than others, the biggest threat that faces everybody is the colossal debt that has been created. However, the more I am reading about the debt crises and its effect, the more confused I am, so better ignore it if you cannot act upon it. The only positive aspect of it is interest rates are low, so it’s an incredible time to invest with other’s money. What I wrote in Le Matinal four years ago (Chaque crise est une opportunité) is still very valid and opportunities are everywhere for everybody. As Microsoft used to say: where do you want to go today? What do you want to do? Decide and go!

Have a great day!


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